Thursday, November 17, 2022

 Journalings from March 2022

March 4, 2022

Refuse to worry! Isn’t this the truth! In this world there will always be something enticing you to worry. That’s because we live in a fallen world. Fear, anxiety, and worry is always there trying to creep its way into your thoughts, robbing you of the joy that can be found in the moment. So how do we combat this? By keeping our thoughts on God and being aware of His presence in all circumstances.

March 11, 2022

“But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.” (Psalm 59:16 ESV)

We are called to walk by faith, not by sight. But when things are sailing smoothly along do we draw closer to God? What about when we hit rough waters? Do we focus on the waves and try to figure out how we are going to manage them? Do we wonder if we have the strength to endure these difficult days? I know I have been guilty of this, of both points actually. But we are not to look to our own strength, but rely on God’s. His strength is limitless.

When I think back over the past years I see myself living pretty comfortably, I still do when looking at the living situations of many people across the globe. Pre 2020, I was sailing smoothly along. Of course there were hard times sprinkled in over the years, but in recent years, for the most part, things were predictable and moving along comfortably. Even 2020 wasn’t too bad by comparison. But now while in the thick of some uncertain and difficult times, I can look back and see a change starting in my heart over these years that has reawakened my soul.

2021 was a hard year and 2022 is not looking much better. But through these hard times I am finding myself grateful for the opportunity they provided for me to draw nearer to God. It’s been during these hard times that I am feeling God’s presence more and more. The more I cry out to Him the more He draws me in to His comfort and strength. So while I don’t want our world to continue on as it is, I also do not want to go back to the ways things were, not spiritually at least. I cannot go back.

I have always been a believer in Christ, that has never changed, but I know I wasn’t seeking Christ and relying on Him in all things. The day to day tasks can be a distraction from being in His presence but He is there in the mundane. He is there in the hard and the easy, the messy, and the neat. We are called to walk in our faith not stand. And I can see now I was being stagnant in my faith. I was standing on what I believed but I wasn’t moving forward. Faith is a continual seeking of God. Faith is active.

With uncertain times ahead it is more important than ever to draw nearer to God. To seek Him above all things. To lay aside our earthly pleasures and make sure we are putting Him at the center of our lives. For we do not know the time or the hour of His return. He could come in our life time or not. But I do not want to go back to living unprepared for His return.

In Matthew, the parable of the ten virgins talks about being ready for His return.

“And while they (those who didn’t come with extra oil) were going to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut.” (Matthew 25:10 ESV)

We need to be ready with our lamps burning brightly for His return.

March 13, 2022

It seems every day we wake up to new news of terrible things happening across the globe, in our neighborhoods, or maybe even in our own family’s and our own lives. The onslaught of bad news can make it hard to find peace in our lives. So how do we rise above all the noise, evil, and grief of this world? By focusing on the One who overcame the world.

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart (be of good cheer); I have overcome the world.”” (John 16:33)

Trouble and distress are a given in this world. Only God can give us power to face these problems with strength and good cheer for we know where our hope is found. In Christ we are free, we are saved, so the world has no hold on us and that is reason to celebrate.

God can free us of these earthly shackles and help us rise above our circumstances. Look to Him and He will show you what is really important. So many of the things we stress and worry about are not of great importance in our lives.

We may look for joy in things, in people, even in experiences. And while joy can be found in these things all of them are fleeting and will not last.

Find joy in the Lord and you will discover a joy that can never be taken from you.


March 15, 2022

The biggest take away from this Devotional is don’t listen to the voices of the world. These voices are a “cacophony of chaos.” This couldn’t be truer in today’s society! But how do we block all this noise?

calls us to find time to be fully in His presence away from distractions. I am learning to take “mini breaks” from the world and it’s chaos and I can tell you it helps! It doesn’t have to be anything grand, just find somewhere where you can be still and listen to God’s voice. Are you letting the world distract you from Him? Are you letting yourself worry without trusting in Him to provide? So many of our problems disappear when looked at in the shadow of the most high.

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10)

Interestingly “be still” here does not mean to be quiet. In Hebrew it means to let go. When you are in Christ you can be free of your burdens!

Let go of your past!

Let go of your worry about finances!

Let go of trying to control others!

Let go of worry about the economy!

Let go of what you can’t control and rest in the knowledge that God is in control.

Does this mean you don’t have to be responsible and work because “God will provide?” No, that would be foolish and create a whole host of other problems. Does this mean that all of your problems will disappear if you just trust God? No. But when you give your problems to God and trust in Him, they no longer have power over you.

“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken” (Psalm 55:22).

God loves us and cares about what happens to us. If He didn’t then we’d have a reason to worry! So when these worries start to take hold of you and overwhelm you, bring them to God in prayer.

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

We don’t know how God is using the problems in our lives to mold us or to further His will on earth. I can tell you in my life, when I look back, the times where I dealt with adversity and hardships were the times I grew the most spiritually. These ended up being pivotal moments in my faith. Did I like going through these hardships? No way. Would I like to erase them and never have to endure them? Sure, but not at the expense of what I learned and where God took me as a result.

It’s hard to explain but it was through these difficulties that brought me closer to God even if not always right away. I can look back and see there have been difficult seasons in my life that people tried to use for evil but God turned and used them for good. But I couldn’t see it in then. It was upon reflection, years later, where I could see His hand using the difficult seasons to bring me closer to Him and open up new opportunities for me. And these experiences give me faith to be able to trust in Him when more difficulties arise. Difficulties are a given.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

So often I find the worries really start to creep in when I am listening to the voices of the world and am not taking time to be still, physically and mentally, with God. I am choosing to hold on to these worries and give them power over me instead of trusting in the One who has overcome the world.

March 21, 2022

God doesn’t call us to be brave and strong. We don’t have to rely solely on ourselves for that or we will break. God is our strength. His power is limitless.

Isn’t it interesting how many people can attest to Paul’s statement in 2 Corinthians 12:10 where he writes, “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” I know I can. I have found when I feel beaten down, I can feel the power of God in me the most. But you have to be willing and able to give your difficulties to God and let Him sustain you. This takes practice and persistence and it’s not easy.

Paul had a whole list of difficulties that most will never come close to experiencing. He was stoned and left for dead in Lystra (Acts 14:19), beaten in Philippi (Acts 16:23-24), almost killed in Ephesus (Acts 19:29; 2 Corinthians 1:8-9), imprisoned in Caesarea, and killed in Rome (2 Timothy 2:9) (from Natalie Regoli on ConnectUs).

Paul had many weaknesses and hardships and they were obvious. These weren’t just internal battles he was facing. The more obvious these afflictions and persecutions were, the more apparent it was to others that his successes came from Jesus.

God doesn’t want us to focus on what brings us fear. But on Him. Rely on Him for your strength. You don’t have to endure alone. He can bring you joy even in the darkest of times. No it won’t always be easy, but He promises to sustain you.

(***We can still rely on God and seek medical treatment for anything we are battling. None of these commentaries are meant to stop people from also seeking Doctors, getting mental health counseling, etc. He will be with you through your entire journey no matter where it leads.)


March 24, 2022

My thoughts after reading today’s devotional:

“You must learn to let go: of loved ones, of possessions, of control.” Countless people have dealt with numerous losses over these past few years, loss of loved ones, loss of employment, loss of security, even the loss of feeling comfortable.

But even in the midst of these difficult changes, you can feel secure, secure in God’s presence. I know before 2020 I felt pretty secure and comfortable in my living conditions, my relationships, and my routines. Things were sailing fairly smoothly along (there were definite hardships along the way, but overall things were relatively comfortable) but after 2021 with the mandates and upheaval all around I was jolted awake to a fact that I’ve known all along but tend to ignore in times of comfort, that nothing is promised, nothing is guaranteed here on earth.

But though our situations may change there is one constant that never changes. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8). This is a comforting fact. Throughout all of human history God remains. He will never let go of our hand. We can give Him everything, all of our cares, worries, burdens, and He will never leave us.

As we have seen throughout tumultuous times in human history, nothing is guaranteed. Our jobs, our finances, our relationships, our loved ones, even the length of our lives, none of these things are guaranteed. But we can have security in knowing He is always with us. And that is something that can never be taken from you.

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling...The nations rage, the kingdoms totter; he utters his voice, the earth melts. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” (Psalm 46:1-3, 6-7)



March 25, 2022

Have you ever had days, months, or years where it just seems you get hit with wave after wave of hardship, of loss? Where try as you might you just can’t see any good happening in your life? When you are in the darkness it is hard to see the light. But God is light and He cares for you, whatever you are going through, He is there to sustain you.

“Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

I know it sounds cliche, but each day really is a gift. Cultivating a thankful mind can help you get through the storms of life, because those are a guarantee. God calls us to give thanks in all circumstances.

“Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)

God isn’t telling us to be thankful for our hardships but to find things to be grateful for during the storms. We can focus on the rough seas we face or we can focus our eyes above the waves. What we focus on can make a world of difference. Our storms won’t disappear overnight but shifting our focus upward can help ease the storms. For the Kingdom of God is one constant that cannot be shaken.

“Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken...” (Hebrews 12:28).

As believers, we always have something to be thankful for, and that is found on the cross. In Christ, we have the gift of salvation. In Christ, we have strength to endure.

“Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:29)

What are you grateful for today? Let me know in the comments below!


March 27, 2022

“Be still in My (God) Presence.” Why do we find such a simple request hard to implement? As I write this, I have a brief moment of semi silence as the kids are coloring and distracted but I know by the time I am done writing this I will have stopped a dozen times due to the needs of people in my house.

There are days I want to run away from household responsibilities, from the noise, from the fighting (I have 3 girls close in age), and escape to some real quiet but this isn’t realistic or a very practical way for me to be able to be still and quiet in God’s presence.

Even with the chaos I love my kids with my whole heart. I love my family fiercely, there’s no doubt on that. But in today’s devotional God says, “Nothing is as important as spending time with Me.” Does this mean we ignore our children, our spouses, and our responsibilities completely so we can stay entirely focused on God? No. But there needs to be balance. We all have responsibilities in life but need to set apart time to spend in communion with God. I am finding ways to be in communion with Him in the midst of life’s “noise.” It is important to find ways to focus on Him in the moment of chaos and to find times to be with Him without any of these distractions.

I notice when I haven’t been devoting time each day to spend in worship with God that my days are harder, more exhausting, and the fruits of the spirit are not as apparent in my life. But when I take the time to be in communion with Him it really does lift me above my problems. It helps me to see them in light of who God is and makes them not seem quite so big. Praying to God helps me to see all the blessings I have in my life, no matter how small. Life is a gift.

I’ve never liked to call myself blessed due to the things I may have in my life. All of what I have belongs to God and comes from Him but even if I didn’t have any of these things I am still blessed. I have a Savior who died for me.

“For we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.” (1 Timothy 6:7)

We don’t seek God to get something from Him. God is greater than any gift we can receive on earth. While God can and does bless His people, we must guard our hearts from allowing these blessings to become an idol in our lives. Anything that distracts us from Christ being the center of our lives is an idol.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” (James 1:17 )

I’ll finish by sharing this poem I’ve had on my dresser since high school:

No Time To Pray

I got up early one morning

And rushed right into the day;

I had so much to accomplish

That I didn’t take time to pray.


Problems just tumbled about me,

And heavier came each task,

“Why doesn’t God help me?” I wondered.

He answered, “You didn’t ask.”


I wanted to see joy and beauty,

But the day toiled on gray and bleak;

I wondered why God didn’t show me;

He said, “But you didn’t seek.”


I tried to come into God’s presence;

I used all my keys at the lock;

God gently and lovingly chided,

“My child you didn’t knock.”



I woke up early this morning,

And paused before entering the day;

I had so much to accomplish

That I had to take time to pray.

~ Unknown

March 30, 2022

“When you are weary and everything seems to be going wrong…” boy if this isn’t the truth some days! I am currently writing this at 11pm, the first chance I’ve had to really sit down and stop all day, and it’s like this most days, which I know is true for so many. We are currently building a house, living in a small 2 bedroom during the process, and dealing with all the world has been throwing at us over the past two years; so this devotional felt very relatable to me today.

It continues, “You can still utter these four words: I trust you Jesus.” Even though these days, well years have been trying, saying and believing these four words really takes the weight off my shoulders. I trust you Jesus! I can get through this with you Jesus! All of my stressors really seem more manageable when I see that I am not battling them alone. Because believe me, I do not always deal with stressors very well. Levi has received many an “overwhelmed phone call” from me as I vent my frustrations to him.

So each day, whether it is a mundane, uneventful day, or an exhausting, stressful one, I am going to search for the hidden treasure that can be found in any and all circumstances. God isn’t trying to hide. He wants us to find Him, but it’s up to us to go searching.

“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)





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